Shion Amazuki / Deploy Static Website with Cloudflare Pages

Created Thu, 22 Aug 2024 20:19:16 +0900 Modified Mon, 09 Sep 2024 11:36:01 +0000

Cteate HUGO Website

The official tutorial is greate so I won’t explain how to create it.
However, there is one thing to note about the “installing themes using git submodules”.
It is necessary to use https instead of ssh.

git submodule add themes/repo
⭕️ git submodule add themes/repo

Because ssh cannot be used when deploying to cloudflare and clone will fail.
If you want to use a theme from a private repository, it is recommended that use a Personal Access Token.

Push to repository

You can use private repository on GitHub or GitLab.
After settings in Cloudflare Pages, pushing to the main branch will automatically perform a deploy.

graph LR a(Auther) --push--> b[/Repository/main/] --"auto deploy"--> c[Cloudflare Pages]

Deploy with Cloudflare Pages

Sign up Cloudflare.
In most cases, the free plan will be fine.

If you follow the instructions after this there shouldn’t be any problems.

Set Web Analytics

Open the “Manage” tab on Cloudflare site details page.
Click “Enable Web Analytics”.

Other Settings

Custom Domain

Open the “Custom domains” tab on Cloudflare site details page.
If you follow the instructions after this there shouldn’t be any problems.

You want to use only custom domain

Even if you set up a custom domain, the Cloudflare default URL will remain.
This means that your site will be accessible via two URLs.
There are two solutions to this problem:

  1. Redirect to custom domain from default url (Official recommended)
  1. Restrict access to default URL
  • ex. Using “CloudFlare Zero Trust”